Baxi Burnall Spares

31 Items
16 inch Basket LOA Top Cast
16 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
16 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
16 inch Burnall Ashpit Box
16 inch Lift Out Ashpan
16 inch Lift Out Ashpan
16 inch overnight burning plate
16 inch overnight burning plate
16 inch Standard Grate (Old Pattern)
16 inch Standard Grate (Old Pattern)
16 inch Universal Throat Unit
16 inch Universal Throat Unit
18 inch  Standard Grate (Old Pattern)
18 inch Standard Grate (Old Pattern)
18 inch - 24 inch Lift Out Ashpan
18 inch - 24 inch Lift Out Ashpan
18 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
18 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
18 inch Burnall Ashpit Box
18 inch overnight burning plate
18 inch overnight burning plate
2 Foot x 3 inch Air Intake Pipe
20 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
20 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
22 inch Top Basket LOA Dressed
22 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
22 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
24 inch Basket LOA Dressed
24 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
24 inch Baxi Burnall Grate
BAXI Outside Ashpan (New Pattern)
BAXI Outside Ashpan (Old Pattern)
BAXI Outside Ashpan (Old Pattern)
Burnall Back Air Adapter
Burnall draught collector outside
Burnall Inside Draught Collector
Burnall Inside Draught Collector
Burnall Packet Slag Wool Pads
Damper Rod and Lever (for Lift Out Ashpan)
Damper Rod and Lever (for Lift Out Ashpan)
Damper Rod and Lever (Outside Ashpan Model)
Damper Rod and Lever (Outside Ashpan Model)
Damper Valve (All Models)
Damper Valve (All Models)
Lifting Key
Lifting Key
Outside door and frame (all sizes)
Outside door and frame (all sizes)
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